Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Scheduling David's IEP

Today I received "the" email. It's time to set up David's annual IEP review. This always fills me with anxiety. There are so many people involved. It can be overwhelming. We have the special Ed director from our school district there, a liaison from the Special Education District of Lake County (SEDOL), as well as David's teacher, the principal, the school director, David's social worker, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist and a behavioral analyst. I think I got them all. Imagine all these people in a room essentially trying to figure out what to do with your severely emotionally disabled child who doesn't do a whole lot academically. David is so bright, but he is so immature and emotionally disabled that it completely affects what he is able to do at any point in time. He's come a long way from two years ago when we were at rock bottom though and that brings hope. The biggest thing I need to get done is to have him tested to see if he's on the autism spectrum. We believe he is, but having that confirmed and in writing makes a further difference in the services he qualifies for. I put the call in this afternoon to the doctor who evaluated Michael in the fall. Now I have to decide if this date they've given me is ok for us. It seems quite a bit earlier than previously.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Day 1

I've been wanting to make this blog happen for a long time. Now, I'm finally going to do it. I'm a 42 year old mom married to my wonderful husband Phil who is 45. We have four children. Three are mine from a previous marriage. The youngest is ours together. Michael is the oldest at 14. He is a mature and wonderful son who loves video games and history. Michael suffers from bipolar nos, social pragmatic communication disorder, ADHD and anxiety. Next, the twins Alek and Isabel who are 12. Isabel is a very typical, social girl who suffers from ADHD and a reading disorder, but she works hard and is a great kid. Alek is diagnosed with Asperger's and ADHD. He is extremely intelligent but if he doesn't care about something or it doesn't interest him, he completely ignores it. There are a lot of social cues that Alek just doesn't understand. Finally there's David who's 10. David is the most extreme. He has severe bipolar I, ADHD, anxiety and we suspect has Asperger's also. We love him dearly but he tests us daily and often many times a day. David goes to a special therapeutic day school. Even within that special environment he needs a lot of 1:1 support and he still struggles. This is the start. There will be many stories to tell.